Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Album

Submitted by a lovely anonymous guest:

I think it's definitely time for another Lonely Island album. There have been plenty of hilarious musical digital shorts that need to be sold.

1. On the Ground
2. Shy Ronnie
3. Mother Lover
4. Harpoon Man
5. Roy Rules
6. Hero Song
7. The Best Look in the WOrld
8. Daquiri Girl
9. Iran So Far
10. Two Worlds Collide
And I'm sure I forgot one or two.

Plus, with Incredibad, there were some songs not on SNL. So if they just write a few of those really quickly, they'll have a full album. Everyone knows Incredibad did well (#1 on iTunes and #13 on the Billboard) and with all the new SNL watchers this CD would probably do even better.

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