Monday, January 18, 2010

Larry the Goose

Andy Samberg is just really good at playing birds.

As always, a great appearance on Weekend Update.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Laser Cats Five

A fifth laser cats for their fifth season, who would have expected that?

Full of hilarious references, here it is:

The best part of the night, I must say.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Appreciating Hot Rod

Amazingly enough, Hot Rod has been seen on some of the top-movie lists.

((The 20 Best Comedies of the Last 10 Years

But, as always, there are people who don't think it should be on any positive list. Which is why decided to post an article about why it deserves every title it receives.

The Best and Worst of Spoofs

Lonely Island spoofs can be amazing or awful. We've all learned that. Here are examples of each:



Friday, January 15, 2010

Urban Dictionary Analysis

An idea was submitted to grade different Andy Samberg sources (besides this blog). We started the search with Urban Dictionary, which is sometimes quite hilarious.

Sadly, the definition of Andy Samberg on is not as funny as it should be. It basically states the facts.

"One third of the recently SNL added group called the "The Lonely Island" whos' experience in show..."

Grade: C

The definition of the Lonely Island is a bit funnier.

"The Lonely Island is kablam-o!"

Grade: C+

But it was sadly ruined by a fourth definition.

"A group of comedians whose originality/novelty does little to make up for their lack of comedic skill..."

Grade: F

Grade as a whole for Urban Dictionary: D

I declare this an ultimate fail. Let's hope the next source will turn out better. E-mail us with an idea if you have one!

Sigourney/Kenan Promo

Saturday Night Live is on tomorrow with host Sigourney Weaver. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what comes out of it. Promo with Kenan below.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Fan Art

We love fan art, and you should definitely submit some.

Submitted by Tari:

Sigourney Weaver Hosting

The week is definitely going by quickly, and that means the next episode of SNL is coming up.

Sigourney Weaver, fresh from her role in Avatar, is hosting. Here's Bill Hader and Weaver having some fun scifi moments.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Diary of a Teenage Girl

TLI wants you to check it:

If you didn't already read it, Jorma is helping out with a fundraiser for the off-broadway play, Diary of a Teenage Girl. Tickets are for sale now, and you can even get drinks with the cast for 65$ more. If you happen to be in New York on the 31st of this month, check it out at 80 Greenwich St.

But let's all recall that the Grammy's are on January 31st as well, and the dudes have been nominated. I'm guessing that they know they really don't stand a chance, but I think it is definitely true that stranger things have happened.

Clip of the Day

Our clip of the day happens to be Andy Samberg's favorite digital short.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Kiv Taking Leave

About 12 hours ago the Lonely Island tweeted this:

"Kiv officially on hiatus from SNL to direct "The Adventurer's Handbook" w/Jonah Hill, Jason Segel, & Jason Schwartzman."

I doubt this will stop the Digital Shorts from being produced, but it will probably change their quality. As long as Jorma and Andy don't go anywhere, there will probably be no need for any fans to panic.

Now about "The Adventurer's Handbook," we found this article on zap2it:


Jonah Hill loves an adventure, at least enough to write about it and then name himself the star.

Universal has bought the rights to Hill's script "The Adventurer's Handbook," according to Variety. Hill will also star in the movie, about a group of friends (including Jason Schwartzman, last seen in "The Darjeeling Express") who try to follow the life lessons put forth in Mick Conefrey's 2006 self-help book "The Adventurer's Handbook: Life Lessons from History's Great Explorers."

Akiva Schaffer is in talks to direct. Shooting could begin later this year.

Hill, 25, had a role in last year's "Forgetting Sarah Marshall." He'll appear with Schwartzman on screens this year in Judd Apatow's "Funny People."


And let's all remember that Macgruber the movie is coming out soon with Jorma directing. Two movies with TLI directors are coming up, so make sure to find a movie theater nearby and make sure it doesn't go anywhere.

Newest Digital Short

The newest digital short features Andy in a ruffled yellow shirt and Alicia Keys. Either Alicia was super stoned or she is more interesting than we thought. Judge for yourself.

I love any comedic reference to Intervention, and this was definitely my kind of DS. But this time Jonathan Krisel directed instead of Akiva, though I couldn't tell while watching.

Saturday Night Live Jan. 9th

Brief summary and review of last night's SNL episode. Susie, an Andy Samberg Source staff member, does the honor.

Charles Barkley's monologue definitely left something to be desired. He began by poking fun at racism, and ended by poking fun at racism. It was short, and rather dull. He was also a little stiff, and seemed especially like he was reading cue cards.

In the classic commercial after monologue, Bill Hader played a member of an Insurance Company that specializes in peeping

Kristen Wiig and Charles Barley play two normal people on a game show called Real Quotes, in which they fail epically and earn a few laughs. The best part of this was Kristen's super long quotes that have absolutely nothing to do with the movie.

Yet another Macgruber, in which Macgruber has a new black assistant. Macgruber spends the whole sketch trying to tell a racist joke when he should be disabling a bomb. It just makes me wonder about the Macgruber movie.

Kristen Wiig brings back her Barbie voice while in a ski lodge. Enough said.

The second Macgruber finds the three stuck in the exact same situation but with a Macgruber schooled on not being racist. Sadly, this non-racism leads to another explosion.

In my favorite sketch of the night we have Andy Samberg playing a child with overwhelming corpse disease who is commentating on a basketball game and doing a horrible job of it.

The third Macgruber of the night finds us once again with the exact same situation as the prior two, but this time Macgruber has rediscovered himself. Guess how that plays out.

Another stiff sketch from Barkley, this time involving golf clubs, but a funny one nonetheless.

Sure enough we have an Alicia Keys and Andy Samberg short. Sadly, there is no singing (or rapping) involved. But it is hilarious, with Andy playing one of those...Andy characters. The kind of character that only Andy can pull off.

Another Scared Straight, basically the same thing that's happened in the past few. And yet, it still does not get old.

Barkley's Bank, a short sketch poking fun at Barkley's past gambling offenses. Not exactly hilarious.

You can find all of the clips here:

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Charles Barkley Hosting

Tonight is the long-awaited first SNL of the year. Charles Barkley, a former basketball player and current studio analyst for TNT's NBA coverage. Alicia Keys will be the musical guest, and I'm kind of hoping for a repeat of what Andy and Rihanna did with Shy Ronnie. But a girl can only hope.

Andy did do several promos with Barkley and Keys, shown here:

The Source will have an overview of tonight's episode up tomorrow morning, so make sure to check that one out. And cross your fingers for an amazing Digital Short.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Yes, He's Jewish

Another popular google search for Andy Samberg is "is andy samberg jewish?" The answer is yes, he is. Here's your proof:

"Andy’s grandfather, Alfred J. Marrow, was once the executive chair of the American Jewish Congress..." This means, by default, that his mother is Jewish. And it was also revealed that his father is Jewish. (

Andy hosted the Jewish United Fund's Youth Leadership Division's "Big Event" in November of last year. (

And here are a few videos making fun of it:

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Album

Submitted by a lovely anonymous guest:

I think it's definitely time for another Lonely Island album. There have been plenty of hilarious musical digital shorts that need to be sold.

1. On the Ground
2. Shy Ronnie
3. Mother Lover
4. Harpoon Man
5. Roy Rules
6. Hero Song
7. The Best Look in the WOrld
8. Daquiri Girl
9. Iran So Far
10. Two Worlds Collide
And I'm sure I forgot one or two.

Plus, with Incredibad, there were some songs not on SNL. So if they just write a few of those really quickly, they'll have a full album. Everyone knows Incredibad did well (#1 on iTunes and #13 on the Billboard) and with all the new SNL watchers this CD would probably do even better.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Cloudy Release

Today, the children's movie Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs is officially out on DVD in the U.S! Bill Hader (SNL cast member) was the star, voicing Flint. Andy also has a role, though a smaller one, and voices "Baby" Brent. Both of the SNL stars did a wonderful job on making this film terrific and hilarious for people of all ages. I have my copy on mail order.

Here are some shots of the movie:

Photo of Andy!

Photo of Andy!

Photo of Andy!

The official Cloudy website has some very in-depth information about Andy Samberg. It isn't anything new, but it is a nice refresher for anyone who has not checked out his wiki page in a while.

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Grammy's

The countdown for the 2010 Grammy's has begun! And, as you might have heard, the Lonely Island has received a nomination. Many might think it would be under the comedy category, but no, TLI has been nominated for the very legit "Rap/Sung" category. He will be going against rappers such as Jay-Z and Rihanna. And guess what has been nominated? I'm On a Boat, one of their funniest digital shorts to date, featuring T-Pain.

Here's the vid, as if you haven't already seen it.

It's absolutely amazing that the guys were nominated. And they will probably be the reason a lot of people out there watch the Grammy's. It will be airing live on January 31st on CBS from the Staple Center.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Andy Samberg and Bill Hader

Tomorrow is the official Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs release date. It stars Bill Hader with Andy Samberg in a smaller role, and it is absolutely hilarious. It seems as if everything the two do together always ends up being extremely funny. They've been paired up for years, and here is some of their best work:

Laser Cats
Everyone should remember this hilarious and purposely amateurish digital short. Although the first of the series is hard to come by on the web, we can provide the second.

Grandkids In the Movies

They're good boys, and pretty good actors too.

Scared Straight
A recurring skit on SNL, more hilarious each time. Here's the most recent, featuring Taylor Swift.

Hot Rod
Hot Rod was directed by Akiva and starred Andy(as Rod) with Bill playing Dave, a friend of Rod and a member of the crew. An absolutely amazing movie and definitely one of their best.

Andy's Girlfriend

Andy and Joanna

The second most popular google search for Andy Samberg is "Andy Samberg girlfriend" for a reason. There are many, many girls who are definitely attracted to the comic. Obviously it isn't a huge fanbase, but looking at NBC's website you would think there were millions. Many usernames on the site involve Andy Samberg, and these people post comments often, making it appear that everyone in the world is attracted to Andy Samberg.

But, as those people probably know, Andy does have a girlfriend. Since early 2007 he has been dating a harpist by the name of Joanna Newsom. Here is Joanna performing Peach, Plum, Pear.

(A note:
Now obviously everyone has different opinions about music, and if you are looking at this blog you probably enjoy the Lonely Island's weird but hilarious rap music. And The Lonely Island's music and Joanna's music are polar opposites. Which means that there will be a lot of people that love Andy Samberg but really dislike his girlfriend's singing. But the comment board really isn't a place to bash her.)


Photo of Andy!

A new year calls for a new blog, and why not make it an Andy Samberg blog? We at Andy Samberg Source make sure that everyone reading is caught up on everything the wonderful comic is up to. Right now Andy is a regular cast member on SNL, and his two best friends Jorma Taccone and Akiva Schaffer are writers for the show. The three guys also make up the comedy troupe The Lonely Island which released its first album, Incredibad, last year. The one year anniversary of the release of the album comes around this year on February 10th.

Most people, however, know Andy Samberg from SNL. He has been a cast member since 2005, and is thought of as the only reason that many viewers watch the show. Needless to say, he has a nicely sized following of obsessed fans. He also starred in Hot Rod, a movie directed by Akiva and co-starring Jorma. That was back in 2007, his more recent films include Space Chimps and Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. Cloudy will be released on DVD January 5th, and a Space Chimps sequel is currently being produced.

The Lonely Island is mainly responsible for all of the digital shorts on SNL. The most recent DS that includes Andy being the Tizzle Wizzle show.