Monday, January 18, 2010

Larry the Goose

Andy Samberg is just really good at playing birds.

As always, a great appearance on Weekend Update.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Laser Cats Five

A fifth laser cats for their fifth season, who would have expected that?

Full of hilarious references, here it is:

The best part of the night, I must say.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Appreciating Hot Rod

Amazingly enough, Hot Rod has been seen on some of the top-movie lists.

((The 20 Best Comedies of the Last 10 Years

But, as always, there are people who don't think it should be on any positive list. Which is why decided to post an article about why it deserves every title it receives.

The Best and Worst of Spoofs

Lonely Island spoofs can be amazing or awful. We've all learned that. Here are examples of each:



Friday, January 15, 2010

Urban Dictionary Analysis

An idea was submitted to grade different Andy Samberg sources (besides this blog). We started the search with Urban Dictionary, which is sometimes quite hilarious.

Sadly, the definition of Andy Samberg on is not as funny as it should be. It basically states the facts.

"One third of the recently SNL added group called the "The Lonely Island" whos' experience in show..."

Grade: C

The definition of the Lonely Island is a bit funnier.

"The Lonely Island is kablam-o!"

Grade: C+

But it was sadly ruined by a fourth definition.

"A group of comedians whose originality/novelty does little to make up for their lack of comedic skill..."

Grade: F

Grade as a whole for Urban Dictionary: D

I declare this an ultimate fail. Let's hope the next source will turn out better. E-mail us with an idea if you have one!

Sigourney/Kenan Promo

Saturday Night Live is on tomorrow with host Sigourney Weaver. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what comes out of it. Promo with Kenan below.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Fan Art

We love fan art, and you should definitely submit some.

Submitted by Tari: